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Freelancers are happy people!

For many professionals the pandemic was the perfect time to get into the freelance circuit offering their services. Security-freelancers is the unique blueprint for both: for the Freelancer and for the Employer to meet, greet and start working. As sole-trader (ZZP'er) in Operational Security, it can be a real challenge to find new customers. For Employers it is also a challenge to find a freelance Security Professional.

Security is based on alertness and identifying the weak spot. That's the reason why I started the "Security Freelancers" platform. A unique medium for Operational Security related Professionals and other freelancers. Simply create a profile and customers can find, select, and contact you.

I do like to stress that Security is serious business and should be paid accordingly. Clients who are looking for cheap professionals should focus on other platforms. 

Your skills are needed more than ever before! Do not offer your services for a whole-sale price. So, let's do this, place your resume, execute every task better as the last one, always make one step more and never, ever give up."

Yours in Protection,



Active Freelancers
