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Qatar 2022 | Safety

Travel security | Qatar 2022

Safety Highlights for the World Cup in Qatar

Scheduled between November 20th and December 18th. 2022  

Planning a trip to Qatar for the 2022 FIFA Football event?

The last thing you need on y...

MSS DEFENCE | Your Defense Supplier

MSS DEFENCE | Your Defence Supplier

A global family passionately committed to providing defence solutions to customers around the world. We anticipate customer needs and deliver best-of-breed solutions that improve stability and security. Possessing a...

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking 2022

The risk of human trafficking to the enterprise supply chain. Around the world, there are an estimated 40.3 million victims trapped in modern-day slavery, according to the Inte...

Travel security

Travel Security |

Although the internet makes doing business possible and is in times easy, traveling to meet your clients, partners or investors will always be a priority in business. VIP’s need to
arrive at their destination concentrated and ready to complete the task...

Resume Writing Tips

10 ways to ensure your resume is read by recruiters

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so it's vital your profile, . There is no such thing as a standard format, but by applying some simple strategies you can write a winning profile and resume. A professional resume communicates the positive diff...
