How it works

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  2. How it works

Getting Into Business

Let's make life a bit easier enables small, medium, and large organizations to accelerate their search for Security professionals faster and for less. Access a global security workforce to drive your organization's innovation for a higher safety standard at scale, faster, and for an acceptable and comparing price.

Over 80% of online job offers and task requests get bid on within 60 seconds. Jobs in a specific location, like the Security circuit, get bid on average within 25 minutes – this is improving month by month.

On this page we show all steps to join and make your life more comfortable.

  • Do you have an mobile App?

    Do you have an mobile App?

    We are developing the security-freelancers App at this moment. As soon as it is launched we will promote this on our website and social media platforms. 


Freelancer procedures

How can Employers find me?

Register and choose the best subscription that fits you. We advise a longer period of subscription to get your profile come around and promoted on all the right places.

Login and start working on your profile. Upload a professional profile photo, Add your Resume and go through the checklist. Maximize your resume skills by optimizing your filters so Employers can find you easy. Put your best foot forward and write the best pitch possible.

Read the project and let the clients know you understand their requirements. Tell them why you're the best person for this job. Writing a personal note for each project is more effective than using the same one.

Be different, honest and stay humble and they will find you.

  • How do I get started?

    How do I get started?

    Register and choose the best subscription that fits you. We advise the 3 months subscription to get your profile come around and promoted on all the right places.

    Login and start working on your profile. Select your skills and expertise. Upload a professional profile photo, Add your Resume and go through the checklist.

  • Be found and browse jobs that suits you

    Be found and browse jobs that suits you

    Maximize your resume skills by optimizing your filters so Employers can search for you the easy way. Write your best pitch and best bid possible.

    Save your own search and get alerted when relevant jobs are available. We aim to get tasks offers for all Security skills.

  • Communicate


    Find offers compatible with your skills and experiences. You can read all about your potential clients by browsing their detailed offer(s), requests and prices.

    Communicate on screen the prices and expectations. Get to know each other by life video-chat if you like.

  • How do I get paid

    How do I get paid?

    Get paid for the service you provided by the agreement you made. Per day, week, month or when the task has been completed and the Employer is 100% satisfied with the services.

    You can receive payments directly from the Employer or use our secured payment system.

    Please take note of the Terms and References concerning the agreements.

  • My company registration

    My company registration

    As Freelancer you are able to send a Client or Employer your invoice. For thet you need a company registration at your local Chambe of Commerce.  

    In our Download section your find samples from Invoices and other related forms that might be usefull to use for your company. 

    If you have any question about a Company registration, please let us know and we can share our knowledge and contacts with you. 


Employer procedures

How can a Freelancer help your Business, Project or your Family?

The majority of security companies employ their directors and office workers. The operational security officers on a task are mostly freelancers. The job frequencies are moving fast. Risks and events come and go. Employing a Security Professional without at least a one- or two-year client-contract is a financial risk not to take. Freelances can fill that gap and as they change jobs and environments, so they gather more experience and knowledge. As employer you save a lot of money by contracting a freelancer directly. Get value for your money! That’s why freelancers and those who use them are happy people! has by far the only exclusive security-circuit pool of globally placed freelancers to choose from.

  • Register

    Subscribe and get access to a service

    Choose the package you like. Subscribe to the Security-Freelancers database and get access to all services.

    For advertising check at the advertising button at the footer of the website or contact the Head office directly per email for a information.

  • Offer, Search and select

    Use the search engine for your requests

    Simply fill in a task description, timing and budget and competitive bids come within minutes.

    You can also choose directly yourself from the endless collection of Security skills, experience, and geographical locations.  No task is too big or too small, all risks are covered. We've got the freelancer for your task.

  • Communicate

    Discuss the requirements and make a contract

    Find professionals you can trust by browsing their Resume, References and Experienc on previous tasks.  Communicate prices and expectations. Get to know eachother by life video chat if you like.

    You can only make the first impression ones

  • Start working

    Agree mutual requirements and start working

    Agree the terms and communicate about the task location, time, expectations and other important details. Daily reports can be send by the freelancer by using the security-freelancer platform and receive updates directly on the mobile phone App.  

  • Financial

    Pay the Freelancer yourself or use our secured payment service

    Pay for the service as agreed, during or after the task has been completed and you're 100% satisfied with the services and quality.

    You can pay directly to the Freelancer or use our secured payment system. Please take note of the Terms and References concerning the agreements.
